Welcome Hack Night participants

Here you will find a modified version of our Quick Start guide, specially tailored for Hack Night.

What is Strada?

Strada helps builds automation workflows across your SaaS apps, internal APIs and databases.

Each workflow is a contiguous Python script that can be audited, modified, and version controlled.

Workflows are then published on the Strada platform which handles publication, observability, and monitoring.

Strada Quick Start guide

Follow these steps to create your first workflow:


Join Hack Night Slack group


Sign up for Strada

Sign up for Strada to start building a workflow.

You can complete the product tour for an interactive walkthrough of the product.


Create new workflow

In the main workflows dashboard press + New workflow.

Give your workflow a name and choose your trigger. For this walkthrough let’s build a webhook based workflow.


Add a Slack connection

Search for Slack in the list of connections. You can either select an already connected instance or connect to a new instance.

For this walk-through, let’s connect to a new instance:

Then give your connection a name and press connect:

If you have successfully joined the hackathon slack community, you should be able to authenticate via the pop-up OAuth modal:


Configure Slack action

You should now see an IDE with code and your Slack action. If the Slack action is red, that means it is not connected and you need to establish a connection.

Let’s focus on the Slack action. You can treat this action as a Python class with a special method called execute. Learn more about actions here.

You can rename an action, and configure what the action does. For now, we just want to send a message to a Slack channel, and so we are using the Send message action. You can view the other available actions - which for Slack is the ability to use their APIs to build a custom request.

Let’s add a parameter to our execute method called name of type String:

Let’s choose the # strada-quickstart channel to send a message in:

To receive notifications in a private Slack channel follow these steps

Let’s write a message to introduce ourselves. Here you can see that you can reference any parameter configured by surrounding it with {{}}:

While this like look like Jinja style templating - it is not. You can only reference the variable by specifying {{variable}} without spaces or any other transformations.


Pass data to your action from code

You can pass data to your action by providing it as a keyword argument (kwargs) to your execute method:

You must provide values to the method as keyword arguments and not positional arguments.

Given this is a webhook based workflow, you can access the body of the webhook incoming request by referencing the special variable payload. Read more on testing with webhook payloads here.


Testing your workflow

You can test your workflow by instantly executing it from the IDE by pressing ▶️ Test. This will run the workflow and return the result in the Output at the bottom.

You can press CMD+enter to also execute your workflows.

You should now see your message on the # strada-quickstart Slack channel!


Deploying your workflow

Once your workflow is finished, activate it by pressing Publish.

When you see that the status is Active, your workflow is successfully published and running!

As soon as the trigger occurs (a webhook is received, or a scheduled time is reached) your workflow will be executed.

To trigger this webhook-based workflow, simply send a POST request, to the URL of the workflow.


Monitor your workflow

Congratulations!! You have now built and published your first Strada workflow.

You can view the run history for each workflow, including the states and execution time of each run.

Additional Guides